⚙️ Is Dr. Doolittle Real?

Good morning. Welcome to our AI newsletter, where our algorithms have been toiling tirelessly to bring you this content - and yet they still haven't learned how to make coffee! Come for the cutting-edge AI insights, and stay for the jokes that are proof we humans are still needed.

In today’s newsletter:

  • 🐒 Is Dr. Doolittle Real? The AI Journey into Animal Languages

  • 🗳 AI's Double-Edged Sword: The Democracy Decider?

  • 💰 Melbourne Healthtech Startup Eyetelligence Raises $12M for AI Eye Disease Screening

  • 🌐 ChatGPT Plus Users to Get Early Access to New Experimental Features: Web Browsing and Plugins

  • 🎮 AI Voice Synthesis Disrupts Gaming Industry, Raises Ethical Concerns

  • 📚 AI in Academia: A Double-Edged Sword for Student Essays


Is Dr. Doolittle Real? The AI Journey into Animal Languages

Midjourney v5.1

Science has taken a turn for the wild side. Get this: Chimpanzees have a structured language. We're talking "Planet of the Apes" level stuff, except with more grammar and fewer rebellions. Thanks to the power of AI, we might soon crack the code of animal communication. Imagine having heart-to-hearts with your pet about their not-so-chic fur styles.

The Earth Species Project is convinced that large language models (LLMs) - the linguistic geniuses of AI - could be our key to this animal-talk treasure chest. We're talking about going from passive nature-watchers to active animal chit-chatters.

But it's not all smooth sailing. LLMs, despite their brilliance, are facing some tough questions. It's a bit like choosing between a zippy little coupe and a gas-guzzling SUV. And let's not forget those AI skeptics who think it's about as good an idea as inviting a crocodile to a pool party! However, the prospect of gabbing away with our pets is too cool to dismiss.

We're only at the starting line of this wild linguistic journey. Decoding animal languages with AI isn't the same as understanding them. It's like translating Shakespeare into Kling on. The road ahead is long, but the destination? Totally worth it. Picture a future where you're discussing philosophy with a parrot instead of just asking for a cracker - now that's a chat worth having!


AI's Double-Edged Sword: The Democracy Decider?

Midjourney v5.1

Remember the 2018 Cambridge Analytica shenanigans? That was scarier than a horror flick on a Friday night. It showed us how social media and big data can be as tricky as trying to walk a greased tightrope. Now there's a new player in town that can mess with our elections: AI.

Gurus like Trish McCluskey from Deakin University have been pointing out how AI has become a master of disguise. It can spit out text that sounds human-ish and make deepfakes that are more persuasive than a puppy begging for treats. Imagine a ventriloquist's dummy debating presidential policies...and winning. Sure, current deepfakes have some kinks, like your grandmother trying to use emojis, but tech is moving at the speed of light.

AI's role in spreading fake news is like a Hollywood movie plot. Bad guys can use it to scatter lies faster than a gossip queen at a high school reunion. But hey, it's not all doom and gloom. AI can also wear the superhero cape by spotting lies, helping with fact-checks, and watching elections like a hawk. Talk about a Jack-of-all-trades!

So, what's the game plan? According to McCluskey, it's like making the perfect burger: you need just the right ingredients. Government rules, tech doing some soul-searching, countries playing nice, educating the masses, and continuous research. Like an overexcited barista who keeps topping up your coffee, AI can go overboard with moderation and step on the toes of free speech. So we need to keep it in check. The European Union's Digital Services Act (DSA) is a good start, like that first sip of your morning coffee. But if we really want to kick disinformation in the butt and protect our democracies, we need to team up globally. It takes a village, right?


💰 Melbourne Healthtech Startup Eyetelligence Raises $12M for AI Eye Disease Screening

Melbourne-based health-tech startup Eyetelligence has secured $12 million in funding from New York investor Ascertain. Eyetelligence uses advanced AI and retinal imaging to screen for eye diseases and other conditions. The company's AI-enabled products are already being commercialized in Australia, New Zealand, Europe, and Japan. The funds will be used to rebrand and launch Eyetelligence in the U.S. as Optain, offering non-invasive, cost-effective diagnostic technology for a range of diseases. The investment marks Ascertain's first international venture

🌐 ChatGPT Plus Users to Get Early Access to New Experimental Features: Web Browsing and Plugins

ChatGPT Plus users will have early access to new experimental features, Web Browsing, and Plugins, via a beta panel in their settings. The Web Browsing feature allows ChatGPT to use the internet to answer questions about recent topics and events. The Plugins feature enables ChatGPT to use third-party plugins that the user enables. These features can be accessed by navigating to the user's profile and settings and toggling on the desired features.

🎮 AI Voice Synthesis Disrupts Gaming Industry, Raises Ethical Concerns

Australian firm Replica Studios uses AI-based voice synthesis to create game dialogues, which is beneficial for developers but concerning for voice actors. The technology prompts ethical issues regarding unauthorized voice use, prompting calls for protective legislation. Replica’s CEO advocates for transparency and fair licensing models to mitigate these concerns.

📚 AI in Academia: A Double-Edged Sword for Student Essays

The use of AI, specifically ChatGPT, in writing essays is increasingly common among students and is drastically changing the academic landscape. Instead of AI writing entire essays, students use it to generate ideas, create thesis statements, and produce detailed outlines. This process is nearly undetectable and reduces the cognitive effort required in essay writing. Consequently, this raises concerns about the impact on developing critical thinking skills. It's suggested that academia needs to differentiate between assignments where AI can be beneficial and where it can't. This may necessitate a shift towards AI-proof assignments like oral exams and in-class writing.


  • Audionotes: Notepad and voice recorder app that allows you to take notes with recorded audio (link)

  • Grid: Spreadsheet-text editor hybrid with AI formula assistance, interactive datavis, and data integration (link)

  • Usestyle: Tool for creating a website without coding (link)

Our database of all the best AI tools mentioned in our newsletter:

Have cool resources or tool to share? Submit a tool or reach us by replying to this email.


The powers of midjourney never cease to amaze! Prompt: Cinematic Shot, [light + space of James Turrell + Bauhaus architectural forms], Sharp Details --ar 21:9 --s 1000 --v 5.1 --style raw

In-game assets generated by AI, coming to a Gamestop near you! Prompt: 2D Game Art, Fantasy Illustration, Boy as a futuristic robot engineer, Advanced technology laboratory, Realistic figures, detailed gadgets, raw character, Childhood arcadias, character panel --ar 16:9 --style raw --s 1000

That's a wrap for now!

Should you have any captivating projects or concepts, don't hesitate to connect with us by replying to this email or dropping us a direct message on Twitter: @thedeepview

We appreciate your continued support, and we'll catch you in the next edition.

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