⚙️ Brain Games

Good morning. Hope you all had a spook-tacular Halloween last night—just remember, the only thing scarier than a ghost saying "Boo!" is your AI assistant suddenly going silent because it can't pull from news sources anymore. Speaking of which, let's dive into the haunting question of whether chatbots like ChatGPT are crossing ethical lines by using copyrighted news.

In today’s newsletter:

  • 🧠 Neural Networks in Nature: MIT's Take on Brain-Based Learning

  • 📰 Copyright Clash: When Chatbots Become News Pirates

  • 🏛️ Executive AI: Biden's Order on Tech and National Security

  • 🤖 Ethical Alert: The Guardian's Stand on AI in Journalism

  • 💹 Chip Checkmate: AMD's Risky Bet Against Nvidia

  • 📚 Linguistic Leap: AI as Collins' Word of the Year


Your Brain, the Ultimate Self-Learning Machine

Ever wondered how your brain learns about the world? MIT researchers just dropped some knowledge that's making us rethink the whole game. They're saying our brains might be using a process similar to "self-supervised learning," a machine learning technique that's all the rage in computer vision.

What's the Big Deal?

Self-supervised learning lets computational models learn from visual scenes based on their similarities and differences—no labels or extra info needed. MIT's K. Lisa Yang Integrative Computational Neuroscience (ICoN) Center found that neural networks trained this way showed activity patterns eerily similar to those in animal brains. Yep, you read that right. Your brain might be using the same strategy to understand the world around you.

The Nitty-Gritty

The MIT team trained self-supervised models to predict future states of their environment using naturalistic videos. They then tested these models on a task they call "Mental-Pong." Imagine playing Pong, but the ball disappears before hitting the paddle. You gotta predict where it's gonna land. The model's neural activity was almost identical to that of neurons in the mammalian brain during the game. Mind. Blown.

Why Should You Care?

Imagine AI systems that learn like we do—quickly and efficiently. We're talking smarter home assistants, more intuitive search algorithms, and robots that could assist in healthcare. Plus, this could revolutionize personalized medicine and education. Understanding how your brain learns could even help you make better everyday decisions. So, next time you're marveling at the latest AI tech, remember: your brain was the OG self-learner.


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The Copyright Quagmire: Are Chatbots Stealing the News?

News publishers are asking "Where does AI get all it’s info?", and they're not too thrilled about the answer…

The Core Controversy

The News Media Alliance, a heavyweight in the publishing world with over 2,200 members, is sounding the alarm. They're pointing fingers at AI chatbots like ChatGPT, accusing them of copyright infringement. Yikes!

The Data Dive

According to the alliance's own research, the data sets used to train these chatbots are chock-full of news content—up to 100 times more than generic web stuff. Danielle Coffey, the alliance's top exec, says this is a clear sign that AI developers are after quality, not just quantity. But here's the twist: these chatbots are spitting out phrases lifted straight from news articles.

The Real-World Ramifications

This could be a turning point in how we engage with AI and digest news. If chatbots get slapped with copyright violations, we could see a major pivot in AI tech. Imagine asking your chatbot a question and getting radio silence because it can't pull from news sources. Plus, this could be a watershed moment for news outlets fighting for their slice of the digital pie.

Food for Thought 🍎

  • What's the future looking like for AI chatbots if this holds up?

  • Are we crossing ethical lines by using copyrighted news in AI?

  • Could this open up a fresh revenue avenue for struggling news outlets?

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🏛️ Biden's AI Order: Balancing Innovation and National Security

President Biden has signed an executive order focusing on the regulation of artificial intelligence. The order mandates companies to report any risks their AI systems may pose in aiding the creation of weapons of mass destruction or in generating deep fakes. Biden expressed concern over the potential misuse of AI-generated audio and video, which could lead to the spread of disinformation or even national security crises.

🤖 Guardian to Microsoft: AI Ethics Aren't Optional

The Guardian Media Group has criticized Microsoft for running an inappropriate AI-generated poll alongside a sensitive article about a woman found dead. The poll was part of Microsoft's news aggregator platform and asked readers to speculate on the cause of the woman's death. The Guardian CEO, Anna Bateson, has demanded that Microsoft take full responsibility and ensure that such experimental technologies are not applied to journalism without explicit approval.

💹 AMD's AI Ambitions: A Double-Edged Sword

Advanced Micro Devices (AMD) has forecasted lower-than-expected revenue for the fourth quarter, affected by a weak gaming market and declining demand for some of its programmable chips. However, the company revealed its new AI chip, MI300X, aimed at competing with Nvidia in the data center AI chip market. Despite the disappointing forecast, AMD expects significant revenue from the MI300X, with large tech and cloud computing companies already committed to using it.

📚 AI: From Futuristic Jargon to Collins' Word of the Year

The abbreviation "AI" has been named Collins Word of the Year for 2023, reflecting its growing ubiquity in daily life and conversations. The decision was based on an analysis of the Collins Corpus, a database containing over 20 billion words from various sources.

  • KAI: ChatGPT straight in your iPhone's keyboard (link)

  • GAN AI: Record a video once, and let AI personalize it to millions (link)

  • Vidnoz: Create Free AI Videos in 1 Minute (link)

  • IncludeHealth: A digital platform for musculoskeletal (MSK) providers to deliver hybrid care (link)

  • Kraftful: ChatGPT but for product research (link)

  • Rewind: Search everything you’ve read in Safari with an AI-powered tool (link)

  • Glimpse: Read faster, write better & surf smarter (link)

  • BizWithAI: Accelerate Your Biz with AI-Powered Automation (link)

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Prompt: a pencil sketch of a flower --ar 16:9

Prompt: a Polar bear through a telescope --ar 16:9

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-Bot Buddy and The Deep View Team